Eliminate Your Suffering with This All Natural Sarcoidosis Alternative Treatment

At last, you can stop suffering the living hell of sarcoidosis using natural alternatives and without drugs or surgery!

A former sarcoidosis sufferer, alternative medicine researcher and author teaches you how she overcame her own disease and has taught thousands of people worldwide how to eliminate sarcoidosis and get their lives back.

Her name is Danielle May and she has beaten sarcoidosis!

Are you also struggling with sarcoidosis? Are you frustrated, or feeling angry as you witness your life slowly becoming centred around your disease?

If you answered yes, then she knows exactly how you feel.She personally went through the same experience a few years ago,battling with sarcoidosis for 2 years until she finally found the solution and her salvation.

It was an alternative treatment method called the Aden Protocol. It made all the difference. Very soon, she was reborn. Healthy and vibrant! What is more she has put it all in a book that you can use to do the same.

This treatment plan is based on 22 year long research, trial and error, and on HER own healing process. A system that is completely natural and safe,and now socially proven with patients in 32 countries.

Backed up with hours of nutritional expertise and most importantly centred around a new amazing discovery of the actual underlying triggers of sarcoidosis that need to be addressed so that YOU can pave the road to remission

Here is a small sample of what you'll learn when you download your copy of the Aden Protocol Resource Book:

Why is sarcoidosis so extremely rare in the Orient? (very important).

Malfunction of one small organ in our abdomen is where so many answers lay. Find out which.

84 % of all sarcoid patients do not produce enough of one very important substance that enables proper protein metabolism. This is what triggers granuloma formation. This discovery has made all the difference and is one of the corner stones of the Aden Protocol.

What are the grave dangers of using antibiotics to treat sarcoidosis ?

A complete list of bad foods that increase your risk of getting sarcoidosis by 200%

Comprehensive list of good foods that you can eat without regret if you are sarcoidosis sufferer and WHY!?

Medicine says your regular cold cannot be cured. Think again. Africans have been doing it for decades. The same miracle herb has finally been recognized in the UK. It does wonders for sarcoidosis patients, but in another way.
This will blow your mind !

This is just the tip of the iceberg!

The Aden Protocol Resource Book is the ultimate guidebook for people that have the burden of sarcoidosis to carry for the rest of their lives.With this book, you will be able to completely control that burden, up to a point where you forget all about it.

Life is too short to try and beat Sarcoidosis on your own through trial and error. Take charge of your condition right now and follow a proven step-by-step system

Click Here and secure your copy of The Aden Protocol Resource Book

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Cutaneous Sarcoidosis

Appearances of cutaneous sarcoidosis are both widespread and diverse. It is even possible for one particular sufferer to have differing varieties of sarcoid skin lesions simultaneously. Due to the varied skin manifestations, a dermatologist may be the most likely person to diagnose sarcoidosis, but if a person visits a physician displaying skin issues, it is advisable for the doctor to consider that sarcoidosis may be the source of the problems.

Lupus Pernio

Lupus pernio, which is not related to lupus, is not another disease, but a chronic hardening of the face, typically materialising with a violet colouring to the cheeks, nose, lips and ears. Lupus pernio lesions can eat away into bone or cartilage and can can cause permanent disfigurement and low self esteem issues, particularly as the lesions may be facially located and highly noticeable.

Lupus Pernio
Occasionally, these lesions will look as though there are small lumps along the edges, especially if sited at the edge of the nose. Lupus pernio is similar to other cutaneous sarcoidosis lesions in that they can manifest themselves at the sites of old injuries and scars- both locations that can prove to be unresponsive to typical immunosuppressant medication. As exposure to bright light, cold or wind can promote the growth of these lesions on the face, nose and hands, it is vital that sarcoidosis patients protect these areas. Lupus pernio lesions are considered to be the most indicative diagnostic feature of sarcoidosis, but not all sarcoidosis patients will be affected by these lesions.

Erythema Nodosum

Erythema nodosum are raised tender, reddish, painful lumps, most commonly located to the front of the legs, just below the knees. The lesions do not involve granulomas of the skin, but are a type of skin inflammation of the fatty layer beneath the skin, varying in size from one to five centimetres. They usually clear up suddenly by themselves, diminishing in size and becoming less inflamed, until they completely disappear. Reappearances elsewhere may occur for a while, but they will eventually disappear. Chronic erythema nodusum, however, can appear with or without the involvement of any underlying disease.

Erythema Nodosum
Typical cutaneous sarcoidosis treatment usually involves strong anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, but care needs to be taken as prolonged use of this type of medication can lead to hazardous side effects such as diabetes.

Alternatively, a natural sarcoidosis treatment in which a vital element is the pursuance of a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and a healthy diet, can provide a positive outcome, avoiding the use of potentially dangerous drugs.

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